Consistently investing in research and development
ELPEN has been active for 56 years in the production of branded Greek medicines. It invests more than 10% of its annual turnover in research projects.
For 25 years, the company maintains its Experimental, Research & Training Center. The first Experimental and Applied Biomedical Research laboratory in Greece, privately owned, one of the 10 largest in Europe. An important achievement of ELPEN’s research efforts is the original inhaler device Elpenhaler®, an invention of its President and founder, Mr. D. Pentafrangas. The Elpenhaler® device is licensed in 35 countries and holds international patents in more than 100 countries.
With exports of 30 medicinal products and an active presence in 18 European countries and 41 worldwide, ELPEN is also recognized in international markets.
ELPEN plans to reinforce its activity in the field of marginal innovation and the development of new drugs of high quality and added value. In this context, the company has launched an investment plan of 120 million euros, which is being developed over a period of four years. This includes, among other things, the development of a drug production plant in Keratea and a Research and Innovation Park in Spata, as well as the modernization of its existing production facilities in Pikermi.
Today, ELPEN has 1,100 employees at group level. With its new investments it is expected to create 250 new direct jobs mainly for highly specialized scientists. In that way, the company is actively contributing to the repatriation of Greek scientists and the containment of the brain drain phenomenon.
website: elpen.gr