Chief Scientific Officer & Executive Director of the ELPEN Research Institute in Greece
Constantine A. Stratakis trained in Athens and Paris, France, before joining the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (NICHD), Bethesda, MD, USA. At Georgetown University, he trained in Pediatrics, Endocrinology, and Medical Genetics. He then became the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pediatric Endocrinology Program (2002-2014) and was selected to be the NICHD Scientific Director (2009-2020) after being for years in leading positions across NIH. His award-winning research focused on genetics, and he has identified genes involved in human diseases and tumor formation. He is the author of more than 800 publications and serves in the Editorial Boards of leading journals. Dr. Stratakis has received the Endocrine Society’s 1999 Award for Excellence in Clinical Research, the 2009 Ernst Oppenheimer Award, the 2019 Dale Medal, several NIH Merit Awards and other honors, including honorary PhDs from the Universities of Liege and Athens. He holds 4 patents and has been named Professor at universities internationally from Harvard to Adelaide, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc. He has trained more than 200 students, residents, and fellows, including several Greek doctors and biologists, today in leading positions across the world. As of 2021, Dr. Stratakis serves as the Chief Scientific Officer of ELPEN, SA, and heads a lab on Human Genetics & Precision Medicine, at FORTH, both in Greece, while he retains visiting or adjunct professorships internationally, most recently at the Mayo Clinic and European University of Cyprus.