Professor, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens – Head of diaNEOsis research on Climate Change in Greece
Constantinos Cartalis is a Professor and Director of the Laboratory of Environmental Physics at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). He is a Member of the Subsidiary Body of UNFCCC for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement, Principal Investigator for the European Space Agency for Climate Change, Member of the expert group of the European Commission for Climate Change and Cultural Heritage as well as of the Mission Assembly for Climate Neutral cities. He is responsible for NKUA for the project “National Network for Climate Change and its effects”, while he participates in the Center of Excellence “Climate Change – Adaptation and Mitigation” of NKUA. He has published 101 papers in international peer-reviewed journals. Has served as Chairman of the Environment Committee of the Greek Parliament, Member of Parliament and Secretary General at the Ministry of Culture.